Monday 29 March 2010

Blackhead removers


Love this picture so much. OH, i'm so vain. _(-.-)_

V had read on her favorite magazine and saw something really attracting. The article was some survey made according to several products about Blackhead Removers, and V had the blackheads plus whiteheads troubled for years. So V immediately had the tried on the first products.

NuTeen Blackhead Away gel

V got it from the common shop -- Watson, and the price is just cheap.
Anyway, V had tried it and love the sweet flower scent and it makes V feels good. Especially when V used it right before going to bed. Also, this products was formulated to be used daily.

It removes not only blackheads but also the dead skin cells and its easy to be used. Just squeezed little amount on your fingers and apply on the face. Massage about one minute and rinse off with the water. Well, V feels great and fresh on the face, and it smells really good. It leaves me bright and smooth skin on my face. V loves it.

Anyway, gonna post on V's-diet-diary soon. For your information, V is on the diet. I'm taking serious on the bet with housemates!! The duration is about one and half months.

But right now, V is craving for food already. LOL


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