Friday 7 November 2008

my best top5 friend list (**male**)

let's countdown...~!!
*(can't wait)*.. ooohhh..
guys...reminder~~ i'm not that good :)

the list as following..:

top 5:

well.. pup consider as human best friend, isn't it??

see how adorable he is :)

top 4:

kee ung..also known as Edward :)
tell u.. don touch my chin!!
miss the old days having fun with simon and ung while keeping something not secretive at all from francis ~~!

my friend.. btw.. someone had just told me that she thought you are "penang kia"~

top 3:

jian yu...translate into english is called...sword fish~
**sob sob** --->>his trademark!!


he is my brother in the family of christ..
he is very funny~don't know how to say about him.. just...sob sob~haha
everyone likes to imitate him..
well..start collecting money i can say..

top 2:

soon shiang...known as Oswald "oil"
get ready with your photo??
i had already said...i'm not that GOOD..

haha..i told you..
see your face also know you were being forced by xiang...
don't want to destrtoy your

he's my housemate + ex-classmate~
funny guy.. but good to girls..
anyone??i'm helping to promote..

top 1:

taDAAA~~ i think he also guess who is this~~!! never know..that...

that...i'm using this picture...AGAIN...~~
my best buddy..!!
you see.. i'm really not that good kan??
anyway..this is the used-to-be him..
and now..

congrates to him everyone!!
he is losing his i just saw him last sunday..
i get shocked!!!
see how gentleman he is compared to the....a bit "lala"-him..
he is a good listener by the way..
and also..the joker..
please find him either you are unhappy or happy due to the following number :


nah~~his privacy~!!

oh ya..forget to mention that..
he is SIMON~
who love kobe bryan~~!!
**stop asking me to work at addidas please~**


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