Saturday 2 July 2011

Hello ^^

Its July!! And its half year passed.. Time flies aye?!!
Well, July will be another refreshing month for V. As V is enrolling to a new course. LOL!!
V is looking forward to this brand new things, brand new start. It's like finally V got to change. Thanks to my parents, beloved boy, and my Tiffbabe for their encouragement and supports.

It's so important to have them beside us, especially our family. There is always a place for us where we find comfort, peace and tolerance from. And that's our HOME.
I love my family, although sometimes they're quite bothering, but they are also the one who can stand our weakness.

Seriously, V had not much friends. V is shy. **vomit!!!**
V doesn't need much friends ( what V means is only friend-friend ), but having a true-heart friends is hard. And V is so blessed that V got several pretty good friends.
One thing, you have to be true to them and they will give back what you had gave.

Well, V is being insanely talking French with Tiffbabe. LOL
Although she doesn't understand of it. LOL
Is quite fun tho!!

Haha..anyway, V almost giving back the language to my French teacher.
What V had left is only this!!!

Comment allez-vous?
Je m'appelle V. Je suis de la Malaisie.
C'est tout.
Au revoir~



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