Just back from Malacca this morning and Glorz cant wait to go for shopping!
so..went for shopping with Glorz while boy is back to his home to attend a friend's wedding :)
miss boy so much since V seldom see him much this week..hmmm~
Anyway, V had picked a lot of outfits..am so happy today!
as birthday is around the corner, V is hoping for the special day to come.
Well, instead of buying the new year clothes, V rather had a perfect outfit on birthday **winkzz**
In love with this podka-dots dress ** muakss **
It had been so long V had no companion on shopping and glad that Glorz is here to have me accompanied. Heart her much.
And V also had much time to talk to her..nice sister-talk!
Anyway, next week could be the last week to stay at Malacca and V doesn't know when is the time to get back to the refuge. That place is definitely a lovable place V had ever stayed. Feel so sad to leave but still hope to get back there someday somehow :)
Got so much things V need to do and to think of..
Sometimes got so fed up with the question asking me what am i going to do next or what would my future be. V just hope that no one including parent's friends are questioning me about all sort of things of my future.Got so much things V need to do and to think of..
That is why V loves to stay at the place i called 'refuge'.
I'm gonna miss all those friends inside, miss my teachers who had been playing important roles in teaching me many kind of things and supporting me always.
Heart them so much!!