this post is related to V's medical report..
some of the dreamers was so curious how unhealthy i was due to the report said..i don't mind sharing this as it was a fact to me..
and i know people are caring of me :)
plus...curiosity kills the cats...aren't they?
some people are concerning for their health..but some don't..
and i do care about my health... ** now :D ** ~~!!people always say..the wealth of health!!
health is the treasure of life..**i agree now..**
i want to be wealthier...of cause..beside health..
i was once received the medical report of the blood test...
i almost fainted!!
and while you are reading the paragraphs below..
please believe...that i am only 21 years-old..
the story began during the time i went back to Sibu town.
V was feeling so uneasy and suffering from the upset stomach..
so V's mum decided to bring me taking the blood test..
also checking the remain things like cholesterol..
**due to the previous year report..V got high cholesterol**
and all because of the genetic reason from V's dad family background...
Yet, quite most of the Tiong's family get the genetic of high cholesterol passing down from V's grandparent. Included V's elder brother and sister..and V's mum was headache for this!!
so..the day taking the medical report 3 days later after the blood test..
mum only shake her head..with her speechless-expression..
okay..i know what that's cholesterol was increased again..
but mum said..this time..even more serious..
i was shocked..!!
from the lipid studies..the total cholesterol should not exceed the range of 5.2 mmol/L **oh my..**
i get 7.4 mmol/L ... **goshhh....**
higher than the last time but lower than the first time..
yes..and no doubt..the bad one defeats the good one..!!
browsing down the report...**no way**...
the creatinine of the renal function..which means the kidney...
it was supposed to be in the range of 40-80 umol/L
i get...92 umol/L (=.=")
*comparing to my sister's previous report..she was in the normal rate around 60 something..*
V's mum :" following by me and my mum.."
*what's now?? first the cholesterol-genetic passed down by grandma and now the kidney problem passed down by grandmother?? WHY ME???*
**by the way, V's grandmother is facing the problem of kidney and would go for cleaning-kidney-things soon..please pray for her from not suffering too much of the pain..also to get better soon..**
thus, the one who pass the report to me told me that i eat too much salty food..
and should take care of it right after NOW!!
or else...might get the renal function..dysfunction...
okay...this one is serious enough..!!
and one more thing..the guy suddenly turn to the next page..
he said : "based on the report of the microscopy stated [others : yeast-like cells seen].."
he continued :" you should had it cure by now..if might face the problem of giving birth in the future.."
continued again : " might get worse in the following few better be quick..."
v :" ....................................................................................................."
please take care of health..
everything can be happened..
and not to forget..
V was born at 88.....
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